
Not Knowing This About Your Financial Advisor Will Cost You

As an In-House Tax Strategist for a “Wealth Management” office, I had the unique perspective of watching and observing the gyrations a wealth advisory team will go through in order to “land a client”. My job, of course, was to bring value added services to the existing and potential clientele. Well, not exactly. I had the mindset of that purpose but in truth, it was just one more way for the “financial advisor” to get in front of another new prospect. In fact, that one purpose “get in front of another prospect” was the driving force in every decision. Think about it this way. A Financial Advisory Firm will make tens of thousands of dollars for each new client “they land” versus a few hundred dollars more for doing a better job with their existing clientele. You see, depending on how a financial advisory firm is built, will dictate what is most important to them and how it will greatly affect you as the client. This is one of the many reasons why Congress passed the new DOL fiduciary law this past spring, but more about that in a latter article.

When a financial advisory firm concentrates all of their resources in prospecting, I can assure you that the advice you are receiving is not entirely to your benefit. Running a successful wealth management office takes a lot of money, especially one that has to prospect. Seminars, workshops, mailers, advertising along with support staff, rent and the latest sales training can cost any size firm hundreds of thousands of dollars. So, as you are sitting across the glossy conference table from your advisor, just know that they are thinking of the dollar amount they need from the procurement of your assets and they will be allocating that into their own budget. Maybe that’s why they get a little ‘huffy’ when you let them know “you have to think about it”?

Focusing on closing the sale instead of allowing for a natural progression would be like running a doctor’s office where they spend all of their resources how to bring in prospective patients; how to show potential patients just how wonderful they are; and the best way for the doctor’s office staff to close the deal. Can you imagine it? I bet there would be less of wait! Oh, I can just smell the freshly baked muffins, hear the sound of the Keurig in the corner and grabbing a cold beverage out of the refrigerator. Fortunately or unfortunately, we don’t experience that when we walk into a doctor’s office. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. The wait is long, the room is just above uncomfortable and a friendly staff is not the norm. That is because Health Care Providers spend all of their time and resources into knowing how to take care of you as you are walking out the door instead of in it.

As you are searching for financial advice, there are a hundred things to think about when growing and protecting your wealth, especially risk. There are risks in getting the wrong advice, there are risks in getting the right advice but not asking enough of the right questions, but most importantly, there are risks of not knowing the true measure of wealth management. The most common overlooked risk is not understanding the net return on the cost of receiving good financial advice. Some financial advisors believe that if they have a nice office with a pleasant staff and a working coffee maker they are providing great value to their clients. Those same financial advisors also spend their resources of time and money to put their prospective clients through the ‘pain funnel’ to create the sense of urgency that they must act now while preaching building wealth takes time. In order to minimize the risk of bad advice is to quantify in real terms. One of the ways to know if you are receiving value for your financial advice is to measure your return backwards.

Normally, when you come to an agreement with a financial advisor there is a ‘management fee’ usually somewhere between 1% and 2%. In fact, this management fee can be found in every mutual fund and insurance product that has investments or links to indexes. The trouble I observed over and over again as I sat through this carnival act, was that management fees, although mentioned, were merely an after-thought. When presenting their thorough portfolio audit and sound recommendations, the sentence used to the unsuspecting client was that the market has historically provided an average of 8% (but we’re going to use 6% because we want to be ‘conservative’) and we’re only going to charge you 1.5% as a management fee. No big deal, right?

Let’s discover why understanding this management fee ‘math’ is so important, and how it could actually save your retirement. This could actually keep you from going broke using a financial advisor simply by measuring your financial advice in reverse. Let’s look at an example to best demonstrate a better way to look at how good your financial advisor is doing.

Now, before we begin, I have always understood that whoever gets paid first wins. We only have to look at our paycheck to see who gets paid before we do to understand that perspective. It is equally important to know that management fees are taken out first, unless you are lucky enough to have the income, the assets and a willing financial advisor to only get paid when they make you money. Funny though, this is exactly how you should review your own historical performance with your financial advisor and if they should be fired. Let’s say you have investable assets of $250,000 as you sit down with a wealth management team. They have just provided you with PowerPoint presentations, marketing materials and a slideshow on their 50″ HD Computer Screen in their freshly redecorated conference room showing that you can make 8% and they’re only going to charge you 1.5% annually (quick math $3,750 every year). You see in their presentation your investable assets appreciating over the next 10 years all the way up to $540,000. Sweet!

Now, this is not the article on why using the “Average Rate of Return” is absolutely the wrong measurement to use because it uses linear math when it is more appropriate to use geometric math in Compound Annual Growth Rate which incorporates time… But let’s look at how fees have a depreciating element to your investments.

After consideration, you agree to a 1.5% annual management fee to be paid quarterly. The financial advisor needs to get paid first so your portfolio’s management fees come out first. Consequently, your $250,000 becomes $249,000 and at 8% average annual rate of return, your assets after the first quarter are now $254,000. After the first year? Your assets are now worth $266,572 after fees of $3,852.

Financial Advisor Portfolio or Self-Managing ETF Portfolio

Self-Management Portfolio

I’d like to take this time to explore the differences in doing your own portfolio built on buying two ETFs (SPY and AGG). For the purposes of this illustration we will be allocating 80% to the S&P 500 (SPY) and 20% Barclay’s US Bond Aggregate (AGG). This is the time to say, I am not recommending any specific investments: this is for illustrative purposes only. The actual average rate of return for this allocation for the past 10 years is 4.24%, so without considering fees, an initial investment balance accumulates to $381,292. These ETFs have an embedded annual management fee of.15% (SPY) and.08% (AGG) with an aggregate of.14% for this allocation producing $4,178 in total ‘out of pocket’ fees over the 10 years. If we understand that our portfolio appreciated $130,319 and it cost you $4,178 for a Net Gain in your portfolio, then your NET COST of FEES is 3.21%. But it doesn’t end there, to truly quantify how fees eat away at your portfolio we must take this process a step further. The TRUE COST of FEES is calculating the difference of your portfolio with and without fees, in this case is $5,151 and comparing that to the Net Gain in your portfolio or 4.1%. In other words, over a ten year period, the cost of having these investments was 4.1%, $381,292 (without fees) versus $376,141 (Ending Balance with fees).

Financial Advisor Portfolio

For the sake of this illustration we are going to assume the financial advisor does better over the same 10 year period, about 6% annual average rate of return. You agree to let them take a 1.5% annual management, paid quarterly. Your $250,000 portfolio accumulates to $392,308 over 10 years with ‘out of pocket’ fees of $47,108, or $4711 per year. Your portfolio’s NET COST, or the fees of $47,108 to gain $189,416 in your portfolio, is almost 25%. More than that, your TRUE COST of Financial Advice is 44.7%. Plainly, your Financial Advisor’s portfolio is $63,617 less than if you had no fees and it accumulated to $455,926. As expected, your portfolio realized an average rate of return of 5.69%. In this illustration, the financial advisor portfolio did ‘out-perform’ the DIY portfolio of ETFs by $16,167 by outpacing the average rate of return by.61% annually.

Utilizing our proprietary software and a hundred test cases, we wanted to see how much better does a financial advisor need to realize to bring value to the client advisor relationship? This number is dependent on a number of factors: amount of investable assets, length of time, management fees charged and of course, the rate of return. What we did experience, is that the range went from its lowest to 1.25% to as high as 4%. In other words, in order to ‘break-even’ on bringing value to the client-advisor relationship, the financial advisor must realize at least a 1.25% higher net gain in average rate of return.

Please know, that we are not trying to dissuade anyone from utilizing the services of a financial advisor. We would be making our own clientele pretty unhappy. Instead, we want to present more transparency on how to measure the competency level of your financial advice. Heaven knows an experienced, knowledgeable advisor brings much more to the relationship than can be quantified by a number, but we do want the ability to truly measure the cost of this financial legacy. Just like most things in life, the line between success and failure is razor thin. In the above illustration, if the financial advisor portfolio’s ending balance was lowered by just $25,000 that would mean the annual average rate of return lowers.5% resulting in a lower ending balance than the self-managed account by $6,527. What if we changed the allocation to 70/30 allocation split? The Financial Advisor’s portfolio underperforms by $12,144 while still costing the client almost $60,000 in fees over the 10 years.

One final thought as we wrap things up here. You may be interviewing for a new advisor now or possibly in the near future. One of the most important questions you would want to ask and most of them do not want to answer or know how to answer is, “How good is your historical performance?” Now, this is usually where you get the song and dance from the wealth management team. They will extol the virtues of “every portfolio is different” or “all circumstances and risk tolerances inhibit us from ‘projecting’ rates of return” or, my favorite, “It’s about the plan! Your dreams and goals will be much different than anyone else, even if they have the same amount assets, income and risk assessment.” These of course are all true statements, but it does not preclude a wealth management team from the ability to show past performance of how they manage money. Going out on a limb, isn’t that why you are interviewing advisors? To see if they can do better than what you are currently doing either on your own or with your soon-to-be-ex financial advisor?

A Look Behind the Curtain

What most financial advisors won’t tell you is just how similar the construction of each client portfolio really is. I can’t tell you how many multi-million dollar firms have every client’s portfolio look pretty identical from one another. It’s usually made up of “3 Buckets”. Now these have different meanings for different advisors such as “Soon – Not so Soon – Long Term Money” or the “Safe – Moderately Safe – Risky” purposes for your investable assets. Believe me when I say this, most advisors pay a lot of money and spend a lot of their time on how to tell this story, to get the client to change their mindset of what they have been taught all along since childhood from their parents. It is not necessary for financial planning to be this complicated, unless of course, there is salesmanship going on. We learned from an early age and then proactively budgeted our entire adult lives to make more than we spend, save as much as we can so we can live off of what we have accumulated. But somehow, wealth advisors have created this sales system to get people to worry (“The Pain Funnel”) that they will outlive their money or worse, not be able to keep the lifestyle clients so richly deserve. You see, in sales, you create pain, step on it and then provide a solution. I believe we can be a lot more honest here and focus our advice transparently without resorting to ‘scare tactics’. Building an investment portfolio, retirement income strategy or legacy plan should be as comfortable as they are obvious.

Most wealth management teams will start with the same basic “financial plan” for your assets: short-term money that has no volatility (this is where you have your emergency/vacation/play money); then you will have near-short term money (usually about 3 – 7 years of very little volatility; and then the last division of your assets is long term money (10 years or more) with a lot of volatility (managed money). Please be aware that this is the exact moment where financial advisors practice in order to “land the prospect”. They will have you write in the percentage of how much your assets you want in the first, second and third ‘buckets’ according to your “Risk Tolerance”. I’ll explain in a later article why this entire methodology is mathematically inhibitive to long term financial success. In lieu of writing in percentages, you’ll better served to focus on two facets: the fees for the first two ‘buckets’ (your rate of interest is generally very low so any fees will have a higher detrimental effect) and the entrance and exit strategy for your managed money held in the last bucket. They will tell you that “long term growth is omnipotent to the success throughout your retirement years. So, if that’s the case they had better ‘show you the money’!

Bottom line: There is a historical performance of your wealth management team that can be shown… so ask for it. Oh, another hint, make sure it is actual performance and not ‘back tested” performance. The financial industry now has software programs that allow us to take a computer-based allocation model and utilize financial data of domestic stocks and bonds for the past 20 years to show a simulated historical performance within a 3% margin of error. I don’t know about you, but I would want my money manager to have more than a couple of years of experience no matter how pretty their brochures are or wonderful their office smells.

So, how are We Really Doing?

Earlier, we compared what an average financial advisor (giving them the benefit of the doubt that they indeed performed better over a 10 year period) did compared to a Do-It-Yourself portfolio made up of S&P 500 and Barclays US Bond Aggregate ETFs. But how did the same portfolio do against the Nasdaq (QQQ) over the same time period? Given the same 80/20 allocation, the QQQ Portfolio gained an average of 12.73% annually versus the 6.05% for the Financial Advisor. The Nasdaq (QQQ) plus Bonds (AGG) gained over $471,000 more in assets over that same time period, or roughly $47,000 per year. Now, I need to point out that if we looked at QQQ returns of 2000-2009 then the portfolio would have lost an accumulated 9.12% of value in assets. The QQQ ETF Net Average Annual Rate of Return since 2000 is 2.38%. Our focus in putting together client portfolios is to minimize inhibitors like fees, taxes and risk since those are in our control (can’t control the market). When viewing portfolios and net worth statements of our clients through this prism and then bringing it through our proprietary software, we can grade ourselves as well as our portfolio managers with real, audited data. For example, one of our money managers has a computer-based, moderate growth portfolio (70/30 allocation split) that has a 12.68% average rate of return over the same time period as all 3 portfolios. Loosely translated, this Moderate Growth Portfolio outperformed the S&P 500 ETF Portfolio by $342,000. When it comes to the accumulation portion of our client’s financial plan, we can ascertain what is working and what isn’t by quantifying the NET performance.

With so many choices, it is difficult to ascertain subjectively who you should trust as a financial advisor, if you should trust one at all! As a consumer, when we purchase just about anything, we constantly compare the price versus the benefit of ownership with an understanding the sliding scale of risk associated with owning whatever we are buying whether it’s buying a gallon of milk, a haircut or a piece of furniture. The higher the price, usually higher the risk, the more we want to weigh the attributes of doing something or doing nothing; measure the value of hiring it done or doing it yourself. The legacy of ownership greatly effects the amount of risk involved in getting the right information in order to act on the right advice for results that are satisfactory to your needs and expectations. Our purpose for creating this proprietary software was to come up with a simple ‘report card’ to measure between advisors and to affirm the decision to have someone else manage your investable assets and your financial future. We believe that as financial advisors, we should be held to a measurable account definitive to always doing what is best for the client’s interest. The largest service we provide is inherently, producing a higher net rate of return on the overall net worth of our clients than if they simply could manage their own financial assets. In today’s financial environment, we cannot afford to make any mistakes no matter how minuscule. This is why having the ability to simply, clearly quantify the value of your advice is truly omnipotent to your financial success.

Utilizing a Jerk Stream Saver

On the off chance that you’re a Jerk maker, you know that having a strong stream saver is so significant. All things considered, on the off chance that you don’t record your transmissions or download them to your PC, then, at that point, they can vanish for eternity. Fortunately, there are multiple ways of keeping this from occurring.

The most straightforward method for safeguarding your recordings is by empowering VOD saving in your Jerk settings. This will consequently save your previous streams as past transmissions (VODs) on your channel, permitting you and your watchers to get to them whenever. VODs as a rule keep awake for 14 to 60 days, contingent upon your Jerk membership level. After this time, they will be erased by Jerk. Notwithstanding, on the off chance that you’re a Jerk accomplice or Prime Gaming endorser, your VODs will stay up for all time.

To empower VOD saving, make a beeline for your Settings on the Jerk site and select the choice from the left-hand menu. Then click on Stream and look down to the lower part of the page to track down the choice “Store past transmissions as VOD.” When you turn this on, your streams will be saved to your profile as VODs once they end. You can likewise make Features, which are like VODs yet never terminate and can be altered to incorporate simply the best minutes from your stream.

Whenever you’ve transformed a VOD Twitch stream saver into a Feature, you can alter it with the very devices that you use to alter your live video. You can drag the left and right finishes of a clasp to manage it down and lessen the margin time of your feature, and you can utilize the drop-down menu to set a beginning stage or a consummation point for the new clasp. You can likewise add more sections or eliminate existing ones to lessen the length of your feature.

You can likewise download your own VODs with an outsider program like StreamFab, which permits you to download the video in great 720p or 1080p and MP4 design. This permits you to watch or transfer the recordings to YouTube, Jerk, and different stages, guaranteeing that your substance stays free from any potential harm.

Utilizing an outsider application to save your VODs is likewise an extraordinary method for getting more watchers for your stream. These apparatuses frequently have extra elements that you will be unable to track down in the authority Jerk programming. Other than allowing you to download your own VODs, some outsider applications can likewise allow you to download the VODs of different clients.

StreamFab is a simple to-utilize instrument for downloading and altering Jerk recordings. The program offers a 30-day, sans risk time for testing so you can give it a shot prior to settling on a choice to buy the product. Whenever you’re fulfilled, you can purchase a permit to open the full programming highlights. It’s quite significant that the free rendition of StreamFab has a few limits, including the way that it can set aside to 10 minutes of your recordings all at once. To download longer recordings, then, at that point, you’ll have to move up to the paid rendition.

Is land a good way to invest money?

Selling land is an endeavor with its own unique challenges, compared to selling existing homes. Buyers are looking for different features in land, and they can’t just rely on artfully staged photos of living rooms to capture their interest. Selling land to investors also requires more detailed estimates and surveys than selling existing homes, and due diligence is often longer for land sales.

The key to selling land is igniting the potential for buyers to see how they can use it. This means making sure your land is well-maintained, clear of debris and marked to show its boundaries. It’s also a good idea to get topographical surveys, estimates from utility companies and renderings that demonstrate the type of development that could be accomplished on the property. This helps reassure buyers that they can build what they want and need on the land.

Many people choose to sell land by themselves instead of using a real estate agent to cut costs and keep more of the sale price in their pocket. However, selling land without an agent isn’t as easy as it sounds, especially if you haven’t sold land before. Fortunately, you can make this process less difficult with careful preparation and strategic marketing.

To attract the attention of potential buyers, it’s a good idea to promote your land through social media and online listing sites. You should also distribute printed listings to local newspapers and magazines that attract readers with an interest in real estate. It’s a good idea to hire a lawyer to assemble affidavits for the sale of the property, including an Affidavit of Title and an Affidavit of Name Change.

If you’re not comfortable selling your land on your own, you can always work with a real estate investor who will buy your land for cash. The benefits of working with a professional investment company to sell your land include the ability to close the transaction much faster than with a traditional real estate sale, and you’ll avoid paying expensive real estate commissions.

If you decide to sell your land, it’s important to consider how the zoning laws in your area might impact its value. You may be able to increase the sale price of your property by getting it up-zoned for a higher purpose. For instance, if the land is currently zoned for low-density housing, you can ask to have it rezoned to allow higher-density residential housing or mixed zoning, which would attract developers and draw more interest in your property.

Buying Land From a Company That Buys Land in OR

When it comes to selling land, there are many different options available. Choosing the best one for you depends on your goals and the condition of the property. You will want to consider things like location, size, and access to water and utilities. It is important to work with a professional who understands the intricacies of real estate transactions and can guide you through the process.

The process of buying and selling land is very similar to that of purchasing an existing home. However, it is more complicated since there are more steps involved in closing the transaction. In addition, there are additional regulations that must be followed. You will need to find a lender who is familiar with the intricacies of financing vacant land. It is also a good idea to hire a real estate attorney to help with the transaction.

Depending on the type of land, you may be able to sell it for a much higher price if it has a view or if it is located near a body of water. Likewise, the proximity to roads and other infrastructure will have a significant impact on the value of the land. You should also research the neighborhood to make sure that it is safe and has a strong local economy.

If you are looking to sell your land, it is a good idea to contact a Company that buys land in OR. These companies have the experience and resources to help you sell your land quickly and efficiently. Typically, they will pay all cash for your land and close in less than 7 days.

Many people who buy land are looking for a blank canvas so that they can create their dream home or build a business. The location of the land is usually the primary consideration because it will determine how much they can afford to spend on it. It is also important to make sure that the land is not too close to an airport runway or other industrial areas.

Another thing to keep in mind is that when it comes to buying land, most buyers will not be as particular as they are when purchasing an existing home. This means that you will need to advertise your land as broadly as possible to get the most interest from potential buyers.

When working with a Company that buys land in OR, it is important to do your homework to ensure that you are dealing with a reputable and experienced company. Ask for references and contact previous customers to get an idea of their experience. In addition, you should find out what their typical closing costs are so that you can factor them into your budget.

Another thing to keep in mind when working with a Company that buys land is that they are often willing to offer below market value for the land. This is because they can close the deal more quickly and conveniently without having to wait for financing approval from a bank. This convenience and speed can come at a cost, though, as most cash buyers will offer around 10% to 30% below market value for the land.

What Does a General Contractor Do?

A general contractor is responsible for transforming construction visions into realities on the project site. They work closely with clients to plan and develop the detailed scope of work, manage costs and project timelines, and serve as the orchestrator for all on-site activities. Their responsibilities include hiring subcontractors, ensuring the correct building materials are delivered to the site, and resolving disputes among staff and other professionals.

General contractors are also the ones who submit construction plans to the city to obtain building permits on behalf of their clients, so they have a thorough understanding of how the building codes must be followed in order to avoid fines. This means that they can provide quotes with confidence that they will follow proper procedures to ensure that the project is completed on time and within budget.

During the design-build process, a GC will work with the architect to create and finalize the construction plans, creating a detailed unit cost for hundreds or thousands of individual task steps, and updating these costs as material and equipment prices change. Then, the GC will hire the excavation general contractors, plumbers, electricians, dry-wallers, tilers, roofers and other subcontractors to bring those plans to life on the project site. They are in charge of coordinating and communicating with these subcontractors throughout the course of the project to relay important information like site instructions or safety requirements.

Once the project gets underway, a GC will monitor construction to ensure that it follows the plans and meets all the required quality standards for each component of the building. This includes ensuring that the right construction supplies are delivered to the site, that they are installed correctly by the tradesmen, and that they meet the specific product warranties or guarantees. During the entire construction process, a GC will maintain total control of the site by resolving disputes among staff and other specialists, and ensuring that everyone is working according to standard procedure.

If you’re interested in becoming a general contractor, you need to start by earning the required licensing for your region or state. Usually, this requires a bachelor’s degree in construction management, engineering or a similar field. It’s also a good idea to have experience working in the construction industry and to build a strong network of professional contacts.

General contractors must be licensed, insured and certified by their respective jurisdictions to perform on construction projects. Some areas require additional qualifications or training, including a background check and proof of financial stability. In addition to these skills, a successful general contractor must be an effective communicator who can work with clients and other construction professionals to achieve the desired results. They should be able to resolve conflicts, make decisions quickly and accurately, and have an excellent attention to detail. They must also be able to stay on schedule and budget while providing high-quality services. This is why it’s important to choose a reputable, reliable and experienced general contractor to take on your next building or renovation project.

The Basics of Buying Sod Gold

Your lawn is one of the first things that people notice about your home, and a lush, green yard can have a significant impact on how buyers view your property. If you’re considering a grass upgrade, sod is an attractive and convenient option for homeowners. However, calculating the amount of sod you need for your project can be challenging. In this article, we’ll discuss the basics of buying and installing sod to ensure that you get the most out of your investment.

Sod is a pre-grown, dense grass that is sold in squares or rolls. It can be installed immediately and offers an instant, densely-green cover that is more aesthetically appealing than a patchy and dull-looking seed-planted lawn. It also provides a variety of benefits, including reducing soil erosion and improving water, air and soil quality. It’s also a quick way to add beauty and value to your home, which can increase its resale value.

The most popular types of sod are zoysia, bluegrass and tall fescue. It is available in various climate zones and can be purchased from a sod farm or local lawn care professional. It’s important to choose a sod species that is adapted to your region, as not all sod species can survive in all climates.

Once the buy sod gold has been installed, it’s crucial to water it appropriately. The first 10 to 20 days should be watered 2-4 times per day, making sure the sod is thoroughly saturated and feels spongy when lifted. During this time, watering is best done in the early morning to reduce evaporation and promote deeper root penetration. After this period, water 1 to 2 times every other day.

After the sod has become established, you can begin to fertilize it. Use a liquid fertilizer with high nitrogen content, such as Scotts(r) ProVista(tm). For best results, apply it monthly until it has reached maturity.

A well-maintained lawn can greatly improve a property’s curb appeal and help it stand out among the competition, but homeowners are often overwhelmed by the task of finding time to maintain their landscape. A professional lawn care service can provide a quick, cost-effective solution that can be tailored to your specific needs and budget. So, if you’re looking to give your property an immediate boost in curb appeal, consider hiring a lawn care service to install sod gold. They’ll ensure that you get the most out of your new investment and make your home the talk of the block!

Hitch Cargo Carrier Swing Away

Whether you’re hauling camping gear for a weekend getaway or grandma’s scooter, a hitch cargo carrier swing away is an ideal solution to carry bulky items. These carriers are easy to install and allow you to keep your vehicle’s rear cargo area free for passengers or additional luggage. They’re also an excellent alternative to rooftop cargo carriers, which require mounting hardware and may limit the use of your vehicle roof.

Hitch cargo carriers come in a variety of styles and sizes to accommodate various needs and capacities. The style you choose depends on what type of gear you want to carry, how much the items weigh, and what your hitch receiver is rated for. Typically, these products fit into 2″ hitches, but there are also options that slide into 1.25″ hitches.

Most of the products featured in this article have a sturdy platform to hold items and a locking latch to secure them in place. Some have a built-in carrying handle that makes it easier to maneuver and install the carrier. Others have a quick-release pin that allows you to detach the carrier and reattach it with minimal effort. Regardless of the model you select, these hitch cargo carriers should be able to support up to 250 lbs.

This hitch cargo carrier offers a spacious design and features a convenient Swing Away frame that swings out up to 180° to grant hassle-free rear access to your vehicle’s cargo area. It’s crafted from premium steel to ensure durability and has a corrosion-resistant finish that shields your belongings from the elements. Its 5″ high side rails ensure your gear stays securely in place during transit, and its anti-rattle hitch tightener eliminates wobbling for a smooth journey.

The StowAway cargo carrier is the epitome of American-made excellence. Its 12.5 cubic feet of space offers ample storage capacity for road trips, family getaways, and more. The swing-away design provides unfettered access to the vehicle’s back cargo area, while the robust frame is able to handle up to 250 lbs of rack plus bike weight. It comes equipped with a locking latch, taillights, and a license plate bracket to further enhance safety and security.

This modular hitch cargo carrier system transforms your vehicle into the ultimate gear-carrying rig. It’s compatible with a wide range of accessories, including bike racks, ski racks, and enclosed cargo carriers. Moreover, it has a lockable hatch cover that keeps your belongings safe from thieves and includes a hitch tightener to prevent your trailer from shifting during transit. In addition, the Yakima EXO can easily be detached from your hitch receiver for portability.

Find a Garage Door For Sale That Fits Within Your Budget

The garage door is an essential component of a home, providing access to vehicles and offering a degree of security. It also protects vehicles from extreme weather conditions, and it is important that it be durable enough to withstand the elements. However, not everyone has thousands of dollars to spend on a new garage door. This article will help you find a garage door for sale that fits within your budget while still allowing you to get a quality product.

While it may seem like a simple addition to your home, the garage door is actually a complex mechanism with numerous parts. This can lead to problems over time, especially if the door is not maintained properly. Fortunately, there are experts that specialize in garage door maintenance and repair that can help you to keep your garage door in good working condition.

A quality residential garage door can make your home more attractive and increase its value. It should also be sturdy enough to stand up to the elements, and it should match the style of your home. A poorly constructed or outdated garage door can ruin the appearance of your entire property, and it can also be a safety hazard. This is why it is essential to shop around and find the best possible deal on a new garage door for your home.

Garage doors for sale that are well designed will last a long time, and they can add to the overall look of your home. They should also be easy to maintain and operate. They should also be able to withstand harsh weather and high winds. A cheaply made or poorly designed garage door will not be able to do this, and it can even be a safety hazard for you and your family.

The most popular type of garage door for sale is steel, which offers the greatest range in terms of color, insulation and price options. You can choose from an entry-level, single-layer, non-insulated steel door up to a premium three-layer, polyurethane insulated door that has an R-value of 12. Steel garage doors are a great choice for all climates, but they are particularly suitable for harsh environments because of their strength and durability. They can also be customised with a wide variety of windows, colours and designs to suit your taste. You can use our Design Centre to create your perfect door, and then request a quote.

The Ultimate Guide to Door Repair in Toronto

Door Repair in Toronto

If your front or back doors aren’t functioning properly, it can put your family at risk. Whether you have a broken lock, squeaky hinges, or general wear and tear, your home can’t be secure until you have a fully functional door. That’s why it’s important to find the right company to take care of any door repairs you may need.

Toronto www.dooronthego.ca is a dynamic city situated along Lake Ontario’s northwestern shore. It’s a modern metropolis with a downtown core of soaring skyscrapers, dwarfed by the iconic CN Tower. The area also has plenty of green space, from the orderly oval of Queen’s Park to 400-acre High Park with its trails and sports facilities.

Toronto Door Repair Services: Fast and Reliable Fixes

When searching for a door repair company, you should look for a company that is licensed and insured. This way, you can rest assured that the company will provide you with quality service and will not charge you for any unnecessary work. It’s also a good idea to check out online reviews and recommendations from friends and neighbors.

If you’re in need of a new door, it’s important to consider the size and style of your home. You want to choose a style that’s both appealing and functional. The last thing you want is a door that’s too big or too small for your home. If you’re not sure which door to choose, a professional can help you select the best option for your needs.

The experts at Door Glass Repair Toronto offer a wide variety of services for all types of residential and commercial properties. They are available around the clock to help with any emergency and are highly skilled in repairing all types of damaged glass. They understand that any type of glass damage can be very stressful and are dedicated to providing their clients with the highest level of customer service.

Whether you need a glass door repaired or replaced, these professionals will make the process as smooth as possible. They have over 20 years of experience and offer competitive prices. Their services include residential and commercial work, as well as custom glass fabrication and installation.

There are many different types of door locks, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Generally speaking, the most common type of door lock is a deadbolt, which requires a key to open it. This is a very secure form of door lock, but it can be difficult to install and repair. Another common type of door lock is a knob handle, which is usually attached to a locking mechanism. These are very easy to use and require little maintenance.

A broken door can affect your security, your privacy, and the overall appearance of your home. This is why it’s important to find a qualified technician that can quickly and efficiently fix your door problems. Fortunately, there are several companies in the area that specialize in door repair. These professionals can help you save money on heating and cooling bills, improve the look of your home, and increase its value.

Door On The Go
Address: 10 Rosseau Rd #4, Toronto, ON M3H 3G2, Canada
Phone: (416) 464-9099

Do niche edits work?

Niche edits are a great way to add high-quality links to your site. However, it’s important to be careful when using them. Too many links within a short period of time can raise suspicions from search engines, leading to penalties.

Mr. Niche Edits is one of the few best niche edits services that actually deliver results. They have a vetted database of prospects and are able to place your link in relevant, aged content.


Niche edits are a form of blackhat link building. They involve editing existing content with links inserted with intent. Unfortunately, many services today sell such links by CALLING them niche edits. These services use a variety of tactics to manipulate existing content and boost the rankings of their clients’ sites. These techniques are not only illegal, but also incredibly risky.

SERPNinja is dedicated to providing high-quality, niche-relevant backlinks that deliver results. Their pricing may seem expensive at first glance, but this is because they invest the time and effort to build compliant links. In contrast, Loganix is more reliant on low-quality link networks and directories to add links quickly and cheaply.

SERPNinja manually vets all of their links before they are built, ensuring that they are from reputable sites and are relevant to the client’s niche. This approach is far more sustainable for long-term rankings gains, and it allows them to avoid using questionable methods like link farms or scraped content.


SirLinksaLot offers niche edit links on pages and posts that are already indexed by search engines. This type of backlink is safer and more powerful than a guest post link. It also leaves a unique footprint, which is important for SEO. It’s a great way to improve your site’s ranking and visibility.

Sirlinksalot’s service is based on a vast database of real websites that are relevant to your industry or niche. The company thoroughly inspects these websites to ensure that they are high-quality and authentic. This enables them to deliver observable results within 1 to 4 days.

Like any other SEO method, niche edits can be abused to become black hat. It’s best to choose a reliable provider that knows how to use this method the right way. This provider has decades of experience in various SEO methods, including local citations, GMB verifications, and niche edits. Its team can also help you with content marketing and branding.

Mr. Niche Edits

Niche edits are a form of link building that uses existing content to boost the ranking of your website. They are also known as curated links, and they are a powerful way to market your brand and increase visibility. However, niche edits to links can sometimes fall into the realm of black hat SEO and are best avoided. This is because they may violate search engine guidelines and cause a negative effect on the rankings of your site.

The most effective way to snag niche edit backlinks is by using white-hat SEO techniques. These methods are less risky than hacked websites and require minimal effort from the webmaster. This is because they focus on pointing out ways to enhance an existing blog post rather than creating new articles.

In addition to vetting the websites you are approaching, it is important to build relationships with the webmasters who will be editing your article. This will make them more likely to accept your request.

What is VOD in streaming?

Streamers use VODs Video on Demand to save past broadcasts right into shorter video. They are offered to see in the “Videos” tab of the banner’s account for approximately 60 days. VODs are wonderful for bring in brand-new customers and keeping followers involved with a banner’s content after the online stream ends.

Regardless of the popularity of streaming platforms like Twitch, many individuals still don’t recognize what a VOD is or just how to produce one. In this write-up, we’ll cover every little thing you require to learn about producing and using a VOD for your Twitch stream.

What are Twitch VODs?

A Twitch VOD is a previous program conserved to a network for on-demand watching. These video clips are archived for long-term watching, and can be accessed by any type of client of the banner’s account. VODs are necessary for developing an adhering to and engaging with fans, as they enable fans to watch any type of previous stream that was missed real-time, which isn’t always feasible with live streaming alone.

In addition to archiving web content, Twitch VODs likewise offer a possibility for users to modify their video clips. With this in mind, a VOD is more than just a replay of a previous stream– it’s a system for content makers to showcase their capabilities, creativity, and personality. As such, it’s important for any kind of streamer constructing an area to have an energetic VOD library that maintains fans upgraded with the most recent streams and video material.

Besides allowing customers to rewatch any formerly broadcasted video, a VOD allows them to download their videos for offline viewing and sharing on other social media platforms like YouTube. The process of downloading a VOD from Twitch is fairly simple and rapid. In most cases, you can just open your Twitch account and browse to the “Videos” tab to find the preferred program. From there, you can click the “Download” switch to conserve the video to your computer.

By assessing Twitch VODs, streamers can identify the audiovisual aspects that resonate with their audience and make notified decisions regarding exactly how to boost their content. This can include adjusting audio degrees, electronic camera angles, and overlay layouts to guarantee that they supply a high-quality streaming experience. It can also help banners assess the pacing of their broadcasts and identify minutes that astound or shed viewer rate of interest.

Finally, VOD analysis can aid banners maximize their monetization strategies. By thoroughly examining visitor interaction patterns, they can identify calculated points in the stream to incorporate sponsored material and maximize earnings. Eventually, this process of picking up from VODs aids produce an immersive and appealing watching experience while fostering a solid sense of area assistance and loyalty. Inevitably, this is the essential to developing an effective and lucrative streaming service.