Charity PPC – How to Maximise Your Spend With Google Ads and Facebook PPC

Whether your charity is looking to increase donations, attract new volunteers or elevate awareness of their cause, digital marketing has an essential role to play. With budgets reliant on fundraising and grants, it’s critical that every penny is spent effectively.

Charities and nonprofit organisations have a unique opportunity to reach valuable audiences through paid advertising platforms such as Google Ads (Paid Search Marketing) and Facebook PPC. Unlike traditional advertising models where fees are charged based on impressions, charities pay only when an interested party clicks on their ads to visit their website or landing page. This means that charities can ensure their message is seen by the right people at the most cost-effective time.

Achieving top ad placement on Google is the Holy Grail for most charities. However, it’s not always possible without a well-optimised SEO campaign that blends in-depth keyword research and smart bid strategies to achieve a highly relevant audience. At TheeDigital, we combine our expertise in both PPC and SEO to ensure that your ad spend is maximised, giving your charity the best chance of climbing the search results.

Google offers eligible charities £120,000 per year (up to £80,000) in free online advertising on their platform through Google Ad Grants. This is an incredible opportunity for charities to tap into vast audiences, but success depends on a strategy that’s carefully thought out and constantly optimised. We help charities to unlock this potential and craft successful campaigns that hit their fundraising, awareness and recruitment goals.

As a dedicated charity ppc agency, we know that successful advertising campaigns must be carefully designed to capture the attention of your audience and entice them to take action. That’s why we take the time to understand your audience and the goals you want them to achieve. We then use this information to develop a strategy that will be tailored to your unique needs.

In the past, many charities used to use ad copy that was overly promotional and pushy, but this has changed. With a more respectful approach, it’s now easier than ever to create effective ad copy that is genuinely enticing and reflects the values of your organisation.

It’s also important to be aware of what Google’s rules are around ad copy, as bidding on competitor keywords can actually result in your eligibility for the Google Ad Grant being revoked. It’s also not a good idea to steer traffic away from competing charities, as this can be interpreted as unethical by their users.

It’s also crucial that you make it as easy as possible for your audience to donate. This can be done by using Google’s built-in donation button in your ads or by linking directly to your PayPal or other charity payment gateway. By making this as simple as possible, you can maximise the amount of money that is donated to your charity. This can be a great way to help your cause and also shows that you’re a trustworthy and legitimate organisation that is worthy of their support.